"The story we're about to tell you has been told before. A lot. We're going to tell it again. But different." –Gnomeo and Juliet
Spring 2016: American Lit Survey (1865-Present)
The Gospel According to Jack: Delineating the Villainous Trinity of White Noise
According to Murray in Don DeLillo's White Noise, a person must be a dier or a killer. Either one enters the void passively or one takes life in order to live and challenge death's ultimate power. Murray, Jack, and Mink each take on the appearance of a member of the Holy Trinity and make their own bids at power over death. Even if they can't escape death, they may just yet find a way to affirm their lives before it is too late.

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Spring 2017: Comedies and Tragedies
Exploring Inheritance Through Tragedy in William Shakespeare’s Macbeth
This assignment asked me to discuss tragedy through one of Shakespeare's plays—as well as eight other sources besides. My paper discusses the ways in which Lady Macbeth challenges the patrilineal power structure as well as womanhood itself. Exploring political dissent can prove an uncomfortable pursuit, but therein lies the value of tragedy. It gives us the freedom to challenge norms, if only for a little while.

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